Owning a Home

Protect, maintain, and beautify your Manitoba home

Owning a Home in Manitoba

Owning a home in Manitoba may be very different from what you are used to, especially if you come from a warm climate. Furnaces, water heaters, roofing tiles, insulation, dry wall, and shrubs and gardens adapted to our cold climate may all be new to you. You want to protect your home. Attend our free once-a-month workshop to learn how to fix, maintain, and beautify your Manitoba home. Contact New Journey Housing today to receive a monthly e-mail announcement about upcoming homeownership workshops! 

Preparing Your Home for Winter

When winter season arrives, you want to be sure your home is ready to  meet the challenge. Winterizing your home helps you avoid problems, and allows you to save time and money. Here are some online tips we put together that could give you some ideas.

 Gives a list to check out to winterize in the inner and outer parts of your house.

Shows how much it would likely cost to winterize your home. Watch a short video showing several winterizing materials that you could use.

Shows how much it would likely cost to winterize your home. Watch a short video showing several winterizing materials that you could use.

Furniture and Household Goods

There are a number of stores throughout Winnipeg that offer used furniture, clothing and households goods for a good price. Buying all new things for a new home can be very expensive so it might be a good idea to buy somethings used.

Oyate Tipi – Will provide used furniture for FREE. You will need to call them and tell them exactly what you need. They will add you to their list and call  you when it is your turn. Call Oyate Tipi at 204-589-2218

Centre Flavie-Laurent – Will also provide furniture for FREE. You need to call them and set up an appointment to pick up your furniture. Call them at 204-233-4936

HERE is a list of other used furniture and household good stores in Winnipeg.

Home Renovation

Manitoba Home Builders Association published the The Renovation Roadmap to help you plan your home renovation project.

Read the The Renovation Roadmap.

If you are ready to renovate your home, you may want to learn about Professional Renovators, how to search for them, what to look for in  them,  and more.

Read Hiring a Contractor published by Manitoba Home Builders’ Association.

After you have hired your Renovation Professional and want to start your renovation project, you need to write a renovation contract with the contractor and check your homeowner insurance policy. 

Read From Contract to Completion published by Manitoba Home Builders’ Association for information to safeguard your property from start to finish. 


New Journey Housing
200-305 Broadway Winnipeg MB R3C 3J7
(Corner of Broadway and Donald. Up on the 2nd floor)


Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

Phone: 204-942-2238
Fax: 204-942-2239
E-mail: info@newjourneyhousing.com