Managing Your Money

Learn how money can work for you

Managing Your Money

The ability to manage your money is an important part of successful renting or owning a home. New Journey Housing teaches free rental and managing your money workshops to help you.

Retirement Planning

You may start planning for your retirement as soon as you land your first job! Retirement planning may involve a few things including:

  • 1. setting your retirement goals
  • 2. deciding when you would like to retire
  • 3. thinking how your retirement spending will look like
  • 4. projecting how much money you would need during retirement

To help you start thinking and planning for retirement, the Government of Canada lists down some useful information:

Savings Programs



Canada Child Benefit

If you are taking care of your children who are aged 18 years and below, you may be eligible for the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). It is a tax-free monthly financial support to eligible families to help them cover the cost of raising children under 18 years old. To calculate your benefits, Canada Revenue Agency uses information from your income tax and benefit return.

Manitoba Child Benefit

If you have minor dependents and you have just moved off from welfare, the Manitoba Child Benefit will provide you financial assistance to help in supporting your children. It also provides parents with additional assistance to help with some of the costs of prescription eyeglasses for their children.

Learn more about Manitoba Child Benefit and see if you are eligible.

55 Plus Program

The 55 PLUS Program is a Manitoba Income Supplement that provides quarterly benefits to Manitobans who are 55 years of age and over, and whose incomes are within certain levels. Eligibility is based on income reported in your tax return from the previous year.

Visit the Manitoba Employment and Income Assistance for more information about 55 Plus Program

Talking about money
 Talking About Money is a new booklet that lets you understand how money works. It contains information about sources of income and income tax, banking, investments, credit, and preventing fraud.

To help newcomers learn about money and how it works, we developed 2 kinds of workshop:

Teaches about the basics of saving, budgeting, and credit.

Teaches more advanced topics to include basics of investing, retirement, income and taxes, fraud prevention.

Financial and Budgeting Calculators

CMHC logo

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provides calculators to help you establish your financial situation, determine how much house you can afford, and the maximum price that you should be considering.

Debt Service Calculator will help you evaluate your financial situation and understand how much you can comfortably afford to spend on a mortgage.

Household Budget Calculator will help you compare your income with your current or planned expenses and debt payments and see what you can afford.

Other Resources

Many community resources, counselling services and publications can help you learn more about money.

Community Resources 

  • immigrant centres and settlement offices
  • organizations that support people with disabilities
  • adult learning centres
  • youth centres
  • libraries
  • employment centres 
  • financial counselling agencies

We can help you find a centre in your community.

Contact us now to refer you to any of these near you!

Read FCAC newsletters about money education programs, workshops, and tools

CFCS is a non-profit credit counselling agency that can help you with a debt management plan.


New Journey Housing
200-305 Broadway Winnipeg MB R3C 3J7
(Corner of Broadway and Donald. Up on the 2nd floor)


Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

Phone: 204-942-2238
Fax: 204-942-2239